Welcome to Greenehaven Farms!
Our Farm Story
Our family has been raising Nubian dairy goats since 2000. What started out as a few goats for the kids to play with has grown into a productive show and milking herd. With Dan's background in dairy science and the dairy cattle industry, productive dairy animals is a must. We strive to breed animals that combine both show ring correctness and milk production profitability. We participate in DHIA testing and linear appraisal. We spend much of our spring and summer competing against some of the very best herds in the nation, located right here in the Pacific Northwest. Feel free to contact us on Facebook messenger or through our Contact Us form below.
DKGH Bred by Greenehaven Farms
Our farm name is Greenehaven Farms. When we joined ADGA and tried to select our herd name prefix and tattoo, the farm name and many related herd prefixes were already in use. We ended up getting creative in order to get approval. DKGH stands for "Dan and Karla Greenehaven" and our tattoo refers to the 6 members of our family. We had been waiting for the farm name of Greenehaven to come available in ADGA, however the DKGH prefix has gained recognition. So look for the DKGH prefix, bred and owned by Greenehaven Farms.