N2021686 DOB: 4/6/2019

We are so excited about Stormi! She is the littermate sister to our Sr Herdsire CH DKGH DG Reignbeau. This doe checks all the boxes for us. She is so structurally correct, with a lovely mammary and a strong will to milk. Stormi is one of our favorite does to see when she comes into the milk parlor, producing 16.1 pounds of milk daily at just 4 weeks fresh. We were thrilled with her mammary as a first freshener, but she only continues to wow us. Her high production allows her ample fill in 12 hrs and as she stands eating her grain she naturally stretches, leveling out board straight across her topline. She is extremely correct and balanced in her mammary system having impressive height and width in her rear udder arch and great overall area of attachment. Stormi is not the biggest doe in our herd but she exemplifies dairy strength. Stormi wasted no time taking advantage at her first opportunity to finish as a 3 year old just 3 weeks fresh at the very well attended Barn in the USA show . We expect great things from Stormi as she follows in the hoofprints of her outstanding dam, SGGH Royal Marc Let Her Reign EX 91 VEEE.
Linear Appraisal
4 yr EX90 VVEE
2023 National Show placing: 7th 4 yr old